Chris Christie Reconsidering 2012 Run, Will Decide in Days: The governor of New Jersey Chris Christie, is reconsidering its decision not to enter the 2012 presidential race, and he says he has not left the top Republican donors to know in a few days of his plans, NewsMax has learned. During the past few weeks, several leading Republican donors and fundraisers have been urging the popular Republican governor to reconsider his decision not to run and to enter the GOP primary. These Christie supporters note that significant GOP support has remained on the sidelines of the primary fight. Many leading fundraisers have yet to commit to any current primary contender, including frontrunners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.
Newsmax has learned that the effort to draft Christie culminated in a hush-hush powwow held in the past week with Christie and several notable Republican billionaires. A source familiar with the meeting suggested that Christie seemed inclined to enter the race but said he needed more time.Chris Christie Reconsidering 2012 Run, Will Decide in Days:

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