Monday, February 28, 2011

Dream High: Cast

Jika HollyWood memiliki Glee sebagai sebuah film serian yang selalu menampilkan tarian, nyanyian, dan sekelumit masalah kehidupan, Korea pun kini meluncurkan sebuah film dengan mengangkat tema yang serupa.Adalah Dream High kepunyaan negeri ginseng tersebut. Seperti arti dari judulnya, Dream High bercerita mengenai beberapa orang yang berusaha menggapai mimpi.Dream High berkutat mengenai 6 orang yang berusaha menggapai mimpi mereka untuk bisa sukses dalam dunia entertainment namun sebelumnya mereka harus mengejar pendidikan dalam sebuah sekolah yang berhasil mencetak sejumlah penyanyi papan atas, Kirin Art High School. 

Bersama Jung Ha Myung(Bae Young Jun) sebagai direktur yang mengelola sekolah ini dengan cara tersendiri. Ha Myung mendapati bahwa sekolah tidak beroperasi pada kapasitasnya. Karenanya, Ha Myung membuat sebuah audisi namun tidak seperti kebiasaan terdahulu Kirin Art High School. Jika dulu dilakukan interview secara tertutup dan pengumuman penerimaan diberitahukan nanti, kini metode yang digunakan akan dilakukan interview secara terbuka. Dalam artian disorot media. Serta pengumuman berhasil atau tidaknya untuk bisa bersekolah di sekolah bergengsi ini langsung diumumkan saat itu juga.Karena metodenya yang kontroversial ini membuat Ha Myung banyak tidak disukai oleh guru-guru lainnya.Audisi menghasilkan 6 orang yang memiliki karakter berbeda dengan tujuan yang berbeda pula.Suzy, Kim Soo Hyeon I, Taecyeon, Ham Eun Jeong, Wooyoung, Dan IU.

Dream High 드림하이 - Kim Soo Hyeon I (김수현) As Song Sam Dong  (삼동)
Dream High 드림하이 - Kim Soo Hyeon I (김수현) As Song Sam Dong (삼동)
Song Sam Dong (Diperankan oleh Kim Soo Hyun)
Sam Dong adalah seprang pria yang agak ketinggalan zaman karena tinggal disebuah pinggiran kota bersama sang ibu.
Impiannya hanya memiliki sebuah peternakan yang besar dan sukses.
Namun impiannnya berubah haluan ketika ia bertemu dengan Hye Mi, seorang gadis kota yang memiliki banyak kelebihan.
Rasa cintanya pada Hye Mi membuat Sam Dong rela melakukan apa saja demi gadis dari kota itu, termasuk mengikuti Hye Mi melangkahkan kaki di sekolah Kirin Art High School dan belajar di sana. Tapi lewat rasa cintanya itu lah ia menemukan bakatnya yang terpendam.
Bakat menjadi seorang pemusik dan membuka jalan yang tak pernah dipikirkannya.

Dream High 드림하이 - Suzy (수지) As Ko Hye Mi (고혜미)
Dream High 드림하이 - Suzy (수지) As Ko Hye Mi (고혜미)
Go Hye Mi (Diperankan oleh Suzy Miss A)
Cantik, kaya, pintar, dan bersuara emas. Hye Mi seolah tidak bercacat cela karena selalu berhasil dalam segala hal. Tapi tidak dalam kepribadiannya.
Hye Mi seorang yang egois dan tidak tahu tata krama. Dia pun tak segan-segan berbohong untuk menyembunyikan kehidupan keluarganya yang kelam.
Kebangkrutan sang ayah membuatnya harus berhenti dari mimpinya menjadi seorang penyanyi klasik papan atas. Sang debt collector, Doo Sik, terus mengejarnya agar membayarkan hutang sang ayah.
Ketika ayahnya ternyata kabur dan hanya meninggalkan dirinya dan sang adik, Hye Mi tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali mengikuti kontrak yang diajukan oleh Doo Sik.
Dalam kontraknya, Hye Mi diharuskan bersekolah di Kirin Art High School selama tiga tahun lalu menjadi seorang penyanyi terkenal dan membayarkan semua hutang beserta bunganya.
Hye Mi ingin menolak. Hye Mi sangat membenci sekolah Kirin. Dianggapnya Kirin itu seperti sekolah buangan yang hanya dapat menghasilkan penyanyi pop murahan, sebuah profesi rendah yang tidak menjanjikan.
Hye Mi sadar bahwa Sam Dong menyukainya. Namun Hye Mi tidak suka dengan penampilan Sam Dong yang seperti gelandangan. Tapi setelah di make over, Hye Mi pun terpana dengan ketampanan Sam Dong.
Dream High 드림하이 - Taecyeon (옥택연) As Jin Gook (진국)
Dream High 드림하이 - Taecyeon (옥택연) As Jin Gook (진국)
Jin Gook (Diperankan oleh Taecyeon)
Selain Sam Dong, Jin Gook juga menyukai Hye Mi. Jin Gook adalah sosok seoran pria tampan yang lebih memilih hidup di jalan bersama teman-temannya ketimbang hidup mewah bersama sang ayah.
Bakatnya di dunia tari membuatnya mengikuti audisi di sekolah Kirin dan membuka jalan baginya untuk menjadi bintang.
Pertemuannya dengan Hye Mi yang tidak disengaja membuatnya sedikit membenci Hye Mi.
Hye Mi dianggap sebagai perempuan yang tidak tahu diri dan egois.
Namun kebersamaan mereka di Kirin Art High School membuat rasa cinta pun bersemi di hatinya.

Dream High 드림하이 - Ham Eun Jeong (함은정) As Yoon Baek Hee (윤백희)
Dream High 드림하이 - Ham Eun Jeong (함은정) As Yoon Baek Hee (윤백희)
Yoon Baek Hee (Diperankan oleh Eunjung T-Ara)
Dibelakang mereka yang bersinar selalu ada bayangannya. Phrase ini sangat tepat bagi Baek Hee. Baek Hee adalah teman dekat Hye Mi yang sering kali diperlakukan sebagai pembantu.
Saking tingginya rasa kagum terhadap sang teman, gaya Baek Heemengikuti style Hye Mi dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki.
Mulai dari potongan rambut, accessories, gantungan kunci, tas, hingga sepatu sangat berkiblat pada gaya Hye Mi. Karena selalu tertutup oleh sinar popularitas Hye Mi, Baek Hee kerap diacuhkan orang-orang di sekelilingnya termasuk sang ibu.
Namun audisi di sekolah seni Kirin mengubah segalanya. Mereka memang mengambil kesempatan untuk audisi bersama. Namun ternyata Baek Hee dapat langsung menembus audisi.
Berbeda dengan Hye Mi yang ternyata pada awalnya tidak lulus audisi. Yah, walaupun Hye Mi selalu bersinar, pada awalnya Hye Mi gagal audisi.
Melihat perbedaan ini, Baek He mulai merasa dirinya memiliki potensi. Dan bisa disejajarkan dengan sang bintang. Maka dimulailah peran mereka sebagai rival yang paling bersinar.
Dream High 드림하이 - Wooyoung (우영) As Jason (제이슨)
Dream High 드림하이 - Wooyoung (우영) As Jason (제이슨)
Jason (Diperankan oleh Wooyoung)
Jason adalah seorang Korea yang lama tinggal di Amerika.
Bakat dalam menari dan menyanyi menempatkannya sebagai orang yang mendapat nilai tertinggi dalam audisi di Kirin.
Sifatnya yang easy going menjadikannya tidak bersemangat dalam persaingan yang terjadi di Kirin.
Baginya, musik dan tarian adalah untuk dinikmati. Bukan untuk dipersaingkan.
Dream High 드림하이 - IU (아이유) As Kim Pil Sook (김필숙)
Dream High 드림하이 - IU (아이유) As Kim Pil Sook (김필숙)
Pil Sook (Diperankan oleh IU)
Gemuk terkadang menghalangi bakat seseorang karena rasa tidak percaya diri. Namun tidak bagi Pil Sook.
Walaupun fisiknya tidak bisa diandalkan, Pil Sook memiliki bakat yang luar biasa dalam menyanyi.
Sifatnya yang ceria namun sensitive, membuatnya gampang jatuh hati terhadap lawan jenis. Termasuk kepada Jason.
Artis favoritenya adalah Kim Hyun-joong. Saking ngefansnya, ia bahkan pernah diajak menyanyi sepanggung dengan sang artis pujaan.
Dan menjadikannya sebagai bahan pembiacaraan di antara fans yang lain.
Salah satu kelebihan dari drama sepanjang 16 episode ini adalah mereka memang penyanyi asli.
Seperti TaecYeon dan Woo Young dari 2PM, Suzy dari Miss A, Eun Jung dari T-ARA, dan IU. Mereka tidak dapat diragukan lagi kepiawaiannya dalam mengeluarkan nada-nada indah.
Berhasilkah mereka menggapai mimpi mereka?
di awal drama ini ada Kim Hyun Joong yg jadi cameo.Ia adalah alumni Kirin High School yg sudah berhasil menjadi seorang artis terkenal.  Hyun Joong menjawab pertanyaan dari para wartawan dan dia berhenti berbicara saat melihat Ha Myung. Ia sedang diwawancara di bandara, lalu bertemu dengan Jung Ha Myung. Hyun Joong pun cepat menghampiri Ha Myung dan menyapanya, “Oh Director. Bagaimana kau datang kemari? Ah aku dengar kau ada di China.” Ha Myung tersenyum dan menjawab, “Aku ada di penerbangan yang sama denganmu. Tapi kau tidak menyadarinya.” Hyun Joong berkata, “Oh benarkah? Harusnya kau mengatakannya lebih awal.Haha... akhirnya si 'kembar' ini bisa bertemu dalam satu scene hehehe...

wonderlic sample test

wonderlic sample test: This News is currently about wonderlic sample test, the above question comes from the sample test for the Wonderlic cognitive ability test (formerly known as the Wonderlic Personnel Test). For those interested to take the timed test sample of ten questions, The Wonderlic is obtained each year thousands of free media publicity in the NFL Scouting Combine time, where the test was administered to NFL draft hopefuls since the 1970s. There are the usual ongoing debate about the value (or lack thereof) using the test to evaluate the potential of pro football. Each year, he received special attention when scores inevitably leak revealed that one of the stars scored particularly low. And there is always the mention required punter Pat McInally (Harvard) - the only player to ever score a perfect 50 on the question 50, the test 12 minutes. We conclude this post with a single question, no quiz-time. Which statement below does Pat McInally do about the Wonderlic test 1 "So for me, this thing Wonderlic has got to be the coolest of the cool? I waited six minutes just to be cool about it and then ran through it. I'm sure that if I thought I missed a lot of them so my advice: go as fast as possible and do instinctively. 2 It really did look like an easy test at the time. One of the reasons I did so well is because I do not think it mattered. So I think I do not feel any pressure at all. It was more of a lark, and that's when you do your best. If I took it 100 times, I'd probably never do that again. I did not find until years later that he hurt me in the draft. 3 "I always felt I was drafted in the fifth round instead of the first or second because I did too well on tests. I was not your typical reader, and I question a lot. It seemed silly to me that we were not allowed to drink water  in practice, for example. 4 "I got to know Charlie Wonderlic after all these years, and it is fun to work with him. One of the objectives of the company is to keep eligible children in high school and college. We try to get the Wonderlic to be part of testing high school athletes for colleges. Wonderlic has a number of tests, one of which relates to the way children do on the SAT, one on the personality test, etc. We are many things college coaches would want to know. It will be interesting to see how it evolves. wonderlic sample test

Bank of America

Bank of America: Recently News about is bank of america online banking, Activists across the U.S. frustrated by federal budget cuts and state took to the streets Saturday, February 26 to protest against tax avoidance by companies. Protests in over 50 cities based Bank of America, who paid no taxes in 2009 or 2010; according to their SEC 10-K filed the report Friday. Local activists have protested inside and outside the Bank of America branch, conduct teach-in on tax evasion by companies and theater "bail-ins." Protests in Washington, DC and San Francisco forced the early closure of major bank branches. The effort of the United States, the U.S. UNCUT was inspired by a movement in England, United Kingdom called UNCUT. English activists have targeted companies that paid no or very low corporate taxes, thanks in large part to develop use of tax havens abroad and other tax loopholes. As in England and the Middle East, organized protest movement is largely decentralized through the website, and Facebook, and Twitter meet-up technologies. The movement of the United States was launched two weeks ago when 23-year-old Carl Gibson, Jackson, Mississippi, has become somewhat of state budget cuts. While working 3 part-time jobs, Gibson hosted a website and a local Mississippi UNCUT group. He was galvanized into action by the militant activities of the United Kingdom. There is a direct link between corporate tax avoidance and what happens in real life ¹ s people," said Gibson. "Because the foreign tax havens and other tax loopholes, U.S. companies make money in America, but just to pay taxes here. If we close the loopholes, we would not have to cut back on fire, opening hours and student loans. These events highlight the murky world of overseas tax havens. Irresponsible U.S. companies transfer their salaries in reporting operating losses in the U.S. while reporting profits in tax havens like the Cayman Islands, where they pay little or no taxes. United States officials of the Congressional Budget estimates that more than 100 billion per year are lost because of this tax gap, sufficient to eliminate all deficits combined state. Nicholas Shaxson, author of new book, Treasure Islands, wrote that tax havens are an important mechanism by which "the elite rich and powerful take advantage of the company without paying for them. Why the instinctive reaction of our politicians is were cuts above all to basic social services? They tell us there are no other options are on the table, still take action against tax evasion by companies received little attention, though, "said George Taghi, an organizer of the action Uncut DC. Protests against dodge corporate taxes could be one way that the spark of Wisconsin could spread widely. Although not every state has a governor reckless as Scott Walker or union Solidarity Union to push all states are facing huge budget cuts. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the budget deficits in U.S. states combined is at least $ 102 000 000 000 and probably closer to 148 billion dollars. This is just the beginning. USUNCUT is to identify the next wave of targets for actions that include companies with high profiles and outlets. A national coalition of businesses voted against tax havens. Small and the United States are rooted in evil tax havens because they are forced to compete on an uneven playing field. Companies and investors against abuses of tax havens, launched last summer, is the organization of business and voice has a national petition, Bank of America

Charlie Sheen Today Show

Charlie Sheen Today Show: This News about is Charlie Sheen Today Show A couple of things we all know now about Charlie Sheen: He "tiger's blood", "Adonis DNA" and wants more cold hard cash to continue working on Two and a Half Men, these are just some of the jewels of the spit 45-year-old in an interview with NBC Today Show bombastic Monday. In a televised chat that covered his fight against drug addiction, his feelings on CBS, and his rivalry with "Two and a Half Men" creator Chuck Lorre, Sheen has reiterated his claim that he is clean and sober and ready to work. I have no interest in cocaine, he told Jeff Rossen Today. If Rossen asked if Sheen was clean, he replied: "Look at me. Duh Sheen says he cured himself of addiction. How? "I closed my eyes and make the power of my mind. Right, as for CBS, Sheen said, “We are really at war." Why? "They are trying to destroy my family." He is not worried. As he said Rossen, "defeat is not an option. They chose a fight with a warlock. When asked if he should apologize for his antics recent CBS, Sheen replied: "No, they owe me an apology, an audience. They must be licking my feet. He shared the same feeling for Warner Brothers, suggesting that they should rename it "Brothers Charlie." Sheen has also continued his recent boast that he is different from most people. His "tiger's blood" and "Adonis DNA are part of what makes him" special "and especially addiction. When asked if he was an anti-Semite, Sheen insisted, "I'm not that guy." Two and a half men" fans hope for a positive resolution of the situation as a whole can rejoice. Towards the end of his interview, Sheen said: "I will complete the television. I am a man of his word. I'll even do ten season. It is, of course, if CBS and Warner Bros. salary increase to 3 million per episode, which was asked Sheen to return to the show. CBS Entertainment did not comment by press time. CBS Entertainment and CBS News are owned by the same parent company. Charlie Sheen Today Show

2012 Olympics Logo

2012 Olympics Logo: Latest News about is 2012 Olympics Logo, Iran objects to the logo of the London Olympics in 2012, claiming he is racist because it resembles the word "Zion" and warning of a boycott of the games. The Secretary General of Olympic Council of Iran, Iran sent a letter to International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge. The letter says the logo in 2012 states "Zion," a biblical term widely acknowledged referring to the city of Jerusalem.  In comments carried by the official news agency IRNA Monday, the Secretary General Bahram Afsharzadeh said the letter urges other Muslim states to oppose the "racist logo. There is no doubt that the question of negligence on your part can affect the presence of certain countries in games, especially Iran, which respects the commitment to values and principles," the letter said.  Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel's destruction and questioned the historical narratives of the Holocaust. Iranian athletes have refused to compete against Israelis.  The logo for the London shows "2012" irregular four-digit numbers and so far has been criticized for its design. The IOC said it had received the letter and joined the London organizers in dismissing the complaint of Iran. Our answer is: The logo for London 2012 represents the figure 2012, nothing else," said the IOC. The organizers of London said the design was launched in 2007 after tests and consultations. 2012 Olympics Logo